Monday, 30 September 2013

Making Faces 7

Good morning to you too! But why does he look so surprised? Maybe it's your horrendous bed hair?

Making Faces 6

Mr Cookie looks scared and sad that you're going to eat him.

Making Faces 5

AWWW serious bag isn't amused at all. Even his colour is unamused at you.

Making Faces 4

Oh that pun! It's so cute though.

Making Faces 3

It's funny how houses make such surprised faces! Maybe they reflect on their tenants or...are they surprised that someone's living inside of them?

Making Faces 2

Start your day happy with Mr Coffee! He likes being drunk in the morning and he wants you to drink him! 

Making Faces!

Here is a website with so many cute faces "made" by random things in everyday life! 
Be sure to check it out! It gave me so much "d'awwww" moments and laughs.